• Question: do you like your job?

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      Asked by emily69 to Anne, Florence, Mark, Neil, Sinead on 7 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by 689drud27, Mossy2k12, 677drud29, ThatGuy.
      • Photo: Florence McCarthy

        Florence McCarthy answered on 7 Nov 2015:

        I love the variety and independence of my job as I get to teach, research, manage, tutor, mentor, present and showcase on a topic that I love.

      • Photo: Mark Collins

        Mark Collins answered on 8 Nov 2015:

        Yes, I love my job! Everyday I have new and exciting challenges, it is very varied and I work alongside a wide variety of people from synthetic chemists to accountants to doctors in clinical trials. I also get the opportunity to mentor junior members and also present my work on a regular occasion to my peers at conferences and events.

      • Photo: Sinead Balgobin

        Sinead Balgobin answered on 10 Nov 2015:

        Yes! And some days, no (if it all goes wrong)… But I do really love it 🙂 Being a scientist is amazing, because you get to think about the world and the universe around us and ask questions, just like you are doing on this website. Then you get to go and figure out a way to find the answer, or prove that you know the answer. I get to work in the lab, which is exciting, work with other people (who are all really fun and interesting) and teach and talk to people like you about science. All these things make me really happy!
